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The Flat White: A Brief History

The Flat White: A Brief History

The flat white has become a favourite in cafes worldwide, but its origins trace back to the southern hemisphere. Australia and New Zealand both lay claim to creating this iconic drink, with Australians generally dating it to the 1980s in Sydney, while Kiwis attribute it to Wellington around the same time.

So, what makes a flat white unique? It’s all in the milk texture. Unlike a cappuccino’s foamy top or a latte’s milk-heavy profile, the flat white features a silky microfoam that melds seamlessly with the espresso. Typically served in a smaller cup, this allows for a stronger coffee-to-milk ratio, highlighting the espresso's flavour in a way other milk-based drinks can’t.

As coffee culture expanded globally, the flat white moved beyond Australia and New Zealand, finding its way to cafes in the UK, US, and beyond. Today, it’s a symbol of simplicity in coffee, offering the perfect blend of bold espresso and creamy microfoam.

With our double-shot standard and specialty-grade beans, it’s no wonder the flat white is one of the best-sellers at Bootlegger. 

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